Somerville was contracted to complete three crossings for Enbridge Pipelines as part of the Line 3 Replacement project. This included two crossings in Manitoba and one in Saskatchewan, both NPS 36. Within the span of 10 days, Somerville mobilized three rigs from Alberta and the necessary support equipment from across Western Canada. -BM68: Somerville's DD220 completed the 397 meter crossing in Kerrobert, Saskatchewan -BM76: One of Somerville's DD440's completed the 701 meter crossing of the Souris River near Wawanesa, Manitoba -BM78: One of Somerville's DD440's completed the 416 meter crossing of the Black Creek near Wawanesa, Manitoba Each crossing involved detailed planning around safe and efficient execution of the work, and in each instance Somerville managed the supply of water and disposal of fluids and cuttings, as well as the design and implementation of the buoyancy programs for pipe pullback. The Souris River required the installation and extraction of 60" surface casing for which Somerville engineered and manufactured custom ramps to support the pipe during operations. Somerville's casing program also took into account the potential for increased loads during the pull back of the pipe, and was trailored to the Souris River to ensure the reamer and pipe entered the casing without issue.