
Alberta Clipper Project - Spread 3

Project Information

Client: Enbridge Pipelines Inc.
Job Number: 08005M
Work Type: Mainlnie Pipeline
Location: Saskatchewan
Contract Type: CPFF
Owner: Enbridge Pipelines Inc.
Role: General Contractor
Status: Completed
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The entire Alberta Clipper Pipeline Project is a new 1590km crude oil pipeline extending from Hardisty Alberta, to Superior, Wisconsin. The Canadian portion of the Project entailed the construction of 1,070km of NPS36 pipeline from the Hardisty Terminal to the US border near Gretna, Manitoba. Work awarded and constructed was Spreads 3 with a length of approximately 77.7km. This new ROW was constructed across the Canadian prairies adjacent to Enbridge's existing facilities. Spread 3 was constructed in the fall of 2008. Cleanup and hydrostatic testing of Spread 3 was initiated and completed in the summer season of 2009. One block valve was installed on a precast concrete foundation after testing was complete. Final cleanup was initiated and completed in the Summer of 2009. The project was completed with our Joint Venture Partner Techint E&C.