The Corridor Pipeline Expansion Project was a 470km NPS42 pipeline constructed from the Muskeg River Mine near Fort McMurray to the Shell Scotford Upgrader near Fort Saskatchewan, Alberta. From the Scotford Upgrader to the Enbridge Tank Farm in Sherwood Park, we constructed a 43km NPS20 pipeline in the Transportation and Utility Corridor (TUC), adjacent to existing pipelines. This pipeline supplies Enbridge with bitumen product fed from the Muskeg River Mine Site. Our 43km Products Pipeline had 9 design horizontal directional drills under 2 rivers, 1 multi-pipeline crossing, 1 railyard, and 5 highways with integrated railways. Our last crossing exited into the Enbridge Tank Farm itself. One 20" valve site was also constructed just outside of the Scotford Upgrader. The project was completed with Joint Venture Partner Techint E&C.
Corridor Pipeline Expansion Project - NPS 20 Products Pipeline
Project Information
Client: Inter Pipeline Corridor Inc.
Job Number: 08004M
Work Type: Mainlnie Pipeline
Location: Alberta
Contract Type: UPC
Owner: Inter Pipeline Corridor Inc.
Role: General Contractor
Status: Completed