
Corridor Pipeline Expansion Project - NPS 42 Spread E

Project Information

Client: Inter Pipeline Corridor Inc.
Job Number: 08003M
Work Type: Mainlnie Pipeline
Location: Alberta
Contract Type: UPC
Owner: Inter Pipeline Corridor Inc.
Role: General Contractor
Status: Completed
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The Corridor Pipeline Expansion Project was a 470km NPS42 pipeline constructed from the Muskeg River Mine near Fort McMurray to the Shell Scotford Upgrader near Fort Saskatchewan, Alberta. From the North Saskatchewan River Crossing near Bruderheim to the Shell Scotford Upgrader, we constructed Spread E, a 33km NPS42 pipeline in mostly new ROW. This total length includes 2 extensions at the end of the project to pipe into the Scotford Upgrader terminal. The main feature of the 33km pipeline was the crossing of the North Saskatchewan River near Bruderheim. A Skaggit (a.k.a. Sauerman) was utilized to excavate the 230m open cut crossing over a 2 month period. Other construction challenges included crossing proposed CP railyards with extensive extra cover requirements, as well as approximately 200 hotline crossings. Two 42" valve sites were also constructed and supported on driven piles.