Horizontal Directional Drilling

Waterdown to Finch NPS12 - Main Rail HDD

Project Information

Client: Imperial Oil
Job Number: 20702-20
Work Type: Heavy Rigs (100k & larger)
Location: Ontario
Owner: Imperial Oil
Role: Prime Contractor
Status: Bore Complete
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As part of the WAT-FIN NPS12 replacement program for Imperial Oil in Ontario, an 841m HDD crossing in rock was completed that entered on the Imperial Oil right of way behind an existing tree farm, and exited in the Joe Sam's Park in between two baseball diamonds. The bore crossed under the Grindstone Creek and a main railway easement. The bore was completed using a 12 1/4" tricone bit on an 8" mud motor and reamed to a final hole size of 18" to allow pulling in of the NPS12 product pipeline. The bore was completed on schedule and with minimal disruption to existing structures and facilities.