Horizontal Directional Drilling

Enbridge Line 11 NPS 20 Replacement - Westover Station HDD

Project Information

Client: Link-Line
Job Number: 14009-17
Work Type: Heavy Rigs (100k & larger)
Location: Ontario
Role: Subcontractor
Duration: 2014-12-01T05:00:00.0000000Z2014-10-01T04:00:00.0000000Z
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For this project, we setup the DD185 drill inside Westover station to drilla 560m bore across a section of the Beverly Swamp, 25m deep thru solid bedrock and limestone using wireline steering and a 9 7/8" TCI bit with a 6 3/4" InRock Mud Motor . Pilot was completed with some challenges due to a fractured rock seam. Once pilot was completed, a switch to a 24hr /day, 7 day a week schedule was implemented to expedite the completion of the 20" and 30" ream passes. Once the 30" ream pass wascompleted, successful completion of the pipe pull was accomplished and crew and equipment demobbed per the schedule.