Project is to install 5,030m of NPS6 PE distribution pressure gas main along Commonage Road, near Predator Ridge in British Columbia, between Kelowna and Vernon. Somerville is completing Phase 3 and Phase 4. Installation will be done by trenching in both asphalt and non-hard surface, as well as within a BC Hydro ROW. The project had a hard deadline and was finished on schedule, despite running into an extensive amount of solid rock underground that required breaking.

FortisBC Energy Inc. - Commonage Road Phase 3 & 4
Project Information
Client: FortisBC Energy Inc.
Job Number: 22521
Work Type: Distribution Pipeline
Location: British Columbia
Contract Type: Unit Price
Role: General
Status: Complete
Duration: 2022-06-03T04:00:00.0000000Z2022-08-31T04:00:00.0000000Z