
Hansman Lake SVC Substation - Civil Works

Project Information

Client: ABB
Job Number: 11871
Work Type: Communications and Fibre Optics
Location: Alberta
Contract Type: LSC
Owner: AltaLink
Role: Subcontractor
Status: Completed
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Hansman Lake Static Var Compensator (SVC) System 605S - Civil Works ABB was awareded the design, supply, construction, installation and commissioning of a Static Vac Compensator (SVC) for the Altalink high voltage network in Alberta, Canada. The SVC will be located at the Hansman Lake substation close to the city of Provost, Alberta. Somerville's scope of work for the SVC civil yard works, includes: grounding installation, concrete foundations, screw piles, at grade cable trenches, fences, earthworks, backfilling, yard preparation, complete granular placement of whole station including the road, andinsulating stone placement.