Presently Hydro One operates two 115 kV self contained liquid filled (SCLF) underground cable circuits, namely, H7L and H11L, which connect from the Toronto Hearn SS to Main TS in Toronto. An approximate 780m section of the H1L and H3L circuits from Main TS to Brookside Drive shall be relocated in this project to accommodate CN Railway's plan to install new railway tracks along the south side of CN Railway's corridor just south of Toronto Main TS. The work to be done as part of these specifications included the engineering, supply and delivery of all materials (except as otherwise specified) and the supply of all labour, equipment, and services necessary for or incidental to the design, supply, installation and guarantee of cables and accessories for the replacement of the 115 kV circuits between Main TS and a designated location on Brookside Drive. The project was completed in partnership with Black & McDonald Limited.