Work for this contract included the Civil/Electrical design and replacement of 2 complete circuits of high voltage cable (230 KV) in Toronto, at 2 separate locations. The first location is from Main Transformer Station to Lumsden Junction a distance of 1.5Km. The second location is from Leaside Transformer Station to Todmorden Junction a distance of 800m. Existing cables are contained in an oil filled pipeline. The new system consists of a concrete encased ductbank with solid copper core cables (XLPE). Working under Black and McDonald, RB Somerville was responsible for the support required to directional drill through a wooded area which falls under Toronto Regional Conservation Authority jurisdiction (500m of HDPE), excavation to remove the existing hydro cables, re-excavate the trench, and install a concrete encased ductbank consisting of 6 x 200mm PVC conduits to carry the 230 KV cable, and 2 x 100mm conduit for the placement for fibre optic cables to operate a SCADA system. We were also responsible for excavation and shoring required for 2 cast-in-place splicing/jointing manholes. Excavation for the placement of direct buried cables was also completed inside the transformer stations