Somerville HDD was contracted by Hydro Quebec to bore 1500m under the St. Lawrence River from the Island of Isle d'Orleans, QC to the exit point on the mainland in the town of L'Ange-Gardien, QC. Prior to starting the bore 72m of NPS36 surface casing was installed and seated into competent rock to ensure mud flow back to the surface. Once the final ream 24" pass was completed, the main drill rig from the island was demobbed from the island and setup on the exit point on the mainland where it successfully pulled a bundle of 4 X NPS6 steel pipe.
Horizontal Directional Drilling
Hydro Quebec- St. Lawrence River HDD
Project Information
Job Number: 19302
Work Type: Heavy Rigs (100k & larger)
Location: Quebec City, Quebec
Role: Contractor
Status: Complete
Duration: 2019-06-15T04:00:00.0000000Z2019-08-31T04:00:00.0000000Z