
John Link & Base Line Road Illumination

Project Information

Client: Ballymore Development (Sutton) Corp.
Job Number: 11869
Work Type: Communications and Fibre Optics
Location: Ontario
Contract Type: UPC
Owner: Ballymore Development (Sutton) Corp.
Role: Subcontractor
Status: Completed
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Lakeside Meadows in Sutton John Link Road & Base Line Road - Illumination The project included the supply and installation of 5 new 200 Watt High Pressure Sodium Luminaires on 9.1m Octagonal Steel Combination Traffic Signal Luminaire Pole. Supply and installation of 84 meters of conduct by open cut installation and 88 meters by directional drilling. The project is a new residential development of townhomes and 42' & 50' Single Lots. Robert B. Somerville completed the site services under a previous contract.