The installation of 815m of NPS 20 was successfully completed using our American Augers DD440T HDD. The pilot was completed using a 12" duckbill style jetting assembly utilizing a Paratrack 2 wireline guidance system to steer the bit to the exit point while maintaining a 20m depth of cover to facilitate running line restrictions from overhead hydro towers and a narrow ROW corridor. Pilot was completed ahead of schedule and right on target. Working with a mud engineer and skilled mud tech we were able to complete the 30" reaming of the bore hole and successfully pull in the 815m of 20"steel pipe with a lower than anticipated pull pressure.
Horizontal Directional Drilling
Puce River Crossing - Panhandle Project NPS 20
Project Information
Client: Aecon Utilities
Job Number: 16009
Work Type: Heavy Rigs (100k & larger)
Location: Ontario
Owner: Union Gas
Role: Subcontractor