
Rainbow Pipeline II Project

Project Information

Client: Sunstone
Job Number: 12012
Work Type: Mainlnie Pipeline
Location: Alberta
Contract Type: Unit Price
Owner: Plains Midstream
Role: General Contractor
Status: Completed
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The Rainbow Pipeline II (RPII) is a new pipeline system that supplies condensate and butane from the Edmonton Industrial Heartland area to heavy oil production areas near Nipisi, Alberta. The system is approximately 300 kilometres long. This pipeline is comprised of multiple pipeline sections, both HVP and LVP segments, and an associated pipeline pump station. The Pump Station site is located in North Edmonton adjacent to the Edmonton Transportation and Utility Corridor (TUC). The North Edmonton Pump Station will have pumping capacity installed to provide sufficient pressure to operate the entire pipeline system. The section of the RPII pipeline system that originates at the North Edmonton Pump Station and extends north up to the Nipisi Terminal will be licensed as an HVP pipeline. From the pump station, approximately 25 km of NPS 12 pipeline will be installed to a transition site located at 10-36-54-24- W4M. The transition site (trap site) will accommodate the transition in pipe size from NPS 12 pipeline to NPS 10 pipeline.