Horizontal Directional Drilling

Talbot Wind Farm - Underground Collection System

Project Information

Client: RES Canada Construction LP
Job Number: 10005
Work Type: Light Rigs (<100k)
Location: Ontario
Contract Type: Lump Sum
Owner: Enbridge Inc.
Role: Subcontractor
Status: Completed
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Robert B. Somerville Co. Limited was contracted by RES Canada Inc. to install 70km of 3 tri-plexed electrical primary cable, 1 fibre conduit and cable, and 1 ground. The installation method wasby open cut and horizontal directional drill along municiple roadways and private farm land. The drill lengths ranged from 20m to 500m utilizing multiple rigs pulling back numerousHDPE conduit. The fibre and cables were pulled through the conduits during mainline cable installation. The open cut installation was completed using excavatorsand chaintrenchers in tight proximity to existing utilities, poles and property lines. The primary cables installed ranged in size from 3/0 to 1250 MCM. The construction sequence required detailed co-ordination with the other contractors onsite because of concurrentfoundation installation, turbine erection and road construction.