This projectinvolved the installation of a new 56 launcher on Trans Canadas NPS 48" 400 series mainline at MLV 401 in Ile des Chenes, Manitoba. Work included expanding the existing station to incorporate the new piping modifications. Somerville was contracted to complete a full turn key installation from removals to final tie-ins and commissioning. Other activities included hydrovacing, excavation, piling, structural steel supports, piping installation, hydrotesting, bolt-ups, isolation, cold cuts, final tie-ins, coating, painting, backfill, gravel, platforms and fencing. Project was schedule driven to meet the planned outage dates. Overall project was completed on time and without incident.
TransCanada - NPS 48 Launcher Installation
Project Information
Client: TransCanada Pipelines
Job Number: 17004
Work Type: Facilities (Launchers, Receivers & Meter Stations)
Location: Manitoba
Contract Type: Lump Sum
Owner: TransCanada Pipelines
Role: Pipeline
Status: Complete