This project involved the installation of two new pipelines by way horizontal directional drills (273.1 mm OD and 508 mm OD) under the Credit River, two road HDDs drilled from pit to pit for the same pipelines under the QEW. The scope also included the re-design and re-location of the existing Credit River East (CRE) ESD valve site to a new location and the reroute of the same pipelines for approximately 200m near Lynchmere Ave. Since the project will be executed in a limited workspace and in a residential neighbourhood additional precautions were needed to protect public safety. A coordinated effort will be needed between TransNorthern and Somerville to limit the pipeline outages and resume service to the affected stakeholders. Upon completion of both pipelines, Somerville will decommission the abandonned portion of pipe by using an engineered grout mixture to fill the void.