Horizontal Directional Drilling

Waterdown to Finch NPS12 - Robson Road HDD

Project Information

Client: Imperial Oil
Job Number: 20702-30
Work Type: Heavy Rigs (100k & larger)
Location: Ontario
Owner: Imperial Oil
Role: Prime Contractor
Status: Complete
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As part of the WAT-FIN NPS12 pipeline replacement program for Imperial Oil in Ontario, the Robson Road HDD was the first of many bores on this project. The bore was 597m with changing ground conditions going from a soft sandy silt to dolostone/ limestone rock. The bore crossed under Robson Road, under a sensitive watercourse then exited at the rear of a greenhouse/ tree farm. Pilot tooling of an HDX tri cone bit on a 8" mud motor with tracking/steering done by Inrock and their wireline system. Reaming using an 18" 5 cone HDX hole opener allowed the pulling of the NPS12 product pipe safely and efficiently. The bore was completed with little surface disruption , on time and within budget.