The Waupisoo Project in total consisted of approximately 380 km of NPS 30" oil pipeline coming from Conklin, Alberta to the Scotford Refinery in Fort Saskatchewan, Alberta. This summer Spread C project constructed 117km of the total in the white zone from just north of Grassland, Alberta to Redwater, Alberta. The ROW was newly constructed through mostly agricultural/cultivated land areas as well as up to 5km of muskeg/swamp areas. Three major watercourse crossings were completed utilizing techniques such as horizontal directional drilling and open cut methods. Prefabricated concrete foundations were also constructed for the installation of 2 block valve/check valves complete with remote pig and pressure signals. The contract also included hydrostatic testing and caliper pigging of the same pipeline. The project was completed by our Joint Venture partner Techint E&C.
Waupisoo Pipeline - Spread C
Project Information
Client: Enbridge Pipelines Inc.
Job Number: 08001M
Work Type: Mainlnie Pipeline
Location: Alberta
Contract Type: UPC
Owner: Enbridge Pipelines Inc.
Role: General Contractor
Status: Completed